Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Av Workshop

Indoor with Lights on
Program Mode
1/60 5.0

Shallow DOF 
1/60 5.0

Greater DOF
0"3 32

Bright Daylight Conditions
1/200 9.0

Shallow DOF
1/640 4.5
1/50 29

Greater DOF
1/50 29

1/160 7.1

Out doors with Horizon
Shallow DOF
1/30 22

Greater DOF
1/800 3.5

This project really helped me realized more ways you can use the DSLR! I was surprised to find how to focus' on its own without having to change the dof. My favorite use with the greater dof. I really enjoyed how it blurred the front and back ground of my photo, but focused in on the phone. It really creates direction for your eyes to look at. 

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