Thursday, May 17, 2012

4 Head Shots

Tourist Jane
1/400 3.5

 Plain Jane
1/640 3.5

 Cowgirl Jane
1/250 3.5

 Skater Jane
1/400 3.5

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Photo Narritive

This photo tells a story about this mans career. The lighting shows that the whole focus of the rodeo is on him, not on the audience or back ground. I love how the photo is in complete action. This guy is holding on for his life, because in rodeos you win the competition depending on how long you stay on. If this guy stays on long enough, he will bring money home! The horse is trying his hardest to get the guy off. It is like a competition between the two, the guy, and the horse.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Action Project

 Peak Action
1/4000 4.5

1/4000 5.0

1/4000 4.5

Panning Action
1/50 29

1/50 29

1/50 25

Stop Action
1/4000 5.0

1/4000 4.5

1/4000 5.0

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Av Workshop

Indoor with Lights on
Program Mode
1/60 5.0

Shallow DOF 
1/60 5.0

Greater DOF
0"3 32

Bright Daylight Conditions
1/200 9.0

Shallow DOF
1/640 4.5
1/50 29

Greater DOF
1/50 29

1/160 7.1

Out doors with Horizon
Shallow DOF
1/30 22

Greater DOF
1/800 3.5

This project really helped me realized more ways you can use the DSLR! I was surprised to find how to focus' on its own without having to change the dof. My favorite use with the greater dof. I really enjoyed how it blurred the front and back ground of my photo, but focused in on the phone. It really creates direction for your eyes to look at. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photography Fundraiser Feedback

I helped with the props in this project. I painted the mustaches. I also helped with the actual fundraiser! I feel the outcome of the entire fundraiser was our most successful thing. I think when this fundraiser happens next that there should be more promotion in re guards to the event. I don't think a lot of people knew about the fundraiser and that is why we didn't have as much business. I think our next fundraiser for this year should be for spring break! I think having a summery feeling in the air will get people eager to support. We would use summery props such as beach balls, sunglasses, beach chairs.. etc. I feel like I did a good job overall with my editing skills on the photos. Of course I do need more experience in photoshop, but not necessarily on that subject.